2024 Evansville Red, White and Boom Days Celebration
Friday, July 5th
11 am–1 pm: Red, White and Boom block party with 1st National Bank Evansville – will be serving hotdogs for their customer appreciation event
4 pm: Register for a bean bag tournament at the Sr. High baseball field. Contact Darrin Henrichs 320-808-3518 or Eric Evavold 320-815-3203 for information
6 pm: Evansville Education Foundation family bingo in the West gym. Card sales will start at 5:00, all ages are welcome. Funds raised will be used for the group’s scholarship fund, concessions will be served during bingo
8:30 pm: Street dance at Backroads featuring Runestone Rebellion
Saturday, July 6th
7 am: – All town garage sales (to be added to the listing contact Meagan Steffenson at evansvillecommunityclub@gmail.com or call or text 320-304-2008 by Monday July 1st)
7 am–12 pm: Pancake and French Toast feed hosted by the Evansville Fire Department at the fire hall
8 am: Registration for the 5K color run, 8:30 start. Contact Sue Steffenson for information at 320-808-8384
1 pm: Registration for the parade begins at Faith Lutheran Church parking lot. To help with the traffic flow, we are asking all units to be parked by 2:15pm (Pre-registration is encouraged, contact Diana Olson at evansvil@gctel.com or 320-766-8176)
2:30 pm: Lions Grand Parade, Grand Marshalls: Alex and Caileen Ostensen (and family)
3 pm: Registration begins for the Kids Peddle Tractor Pull in the school parking lot
3:30 pm: Park Events: Bounce houses and water slides (please bring your own towels for your child), Erickson Petting Zoo, Woodsmen Axe throwing, Clueless the Clown, Carnival games provided by Brandon/Evansville BPA, Beer Garden, Food vendors, Registration booth for Free Kids bikes, sponsored by Evansville Sports, to be given away at 5:00pm
5–7 pm: Pork Chop feed, supplied by the Douglas County Pork Producers – Sponsored by the Evansville Community Club
Music will be performed by Schjei Country during the pork chop feed
7 pm: Ashby vs. Kensington baseball game at the Evansville School Baseball field
8:30 pm: Free watermelon feed sponsored by the Evansville Community Club
Dusk: Fireworks​
Evansville Veterans Memorial Fireworks Spectacular at dusk
*Make sure to follow the Evansville Community Club Facebook page for any updates on events or additions to the schedule!